I'm a mom of three (boy- girl twins and their older brother), and a wife to an amazing man. I'm a ‘forever student’ and lover of all things nature and the natural world. I grew up in a rural town and have lived in various cities in Ontario. Being a mom paved the way for doing much of my own generational healing and learning about functional medicine. I believe that our bodies have innate wisdom and therefore, alongside the natural world, we can heal ourselves in ways that bring peace to our lives. I strive for a life connected to nature as much as it makes sense for our family. All three of my babies were born via “emergency cesarean” however, I am a huge supporter of free-birthing and home-birthing families. If you're new to this space, I also facilitate private and workshop events for breathwork and intentional cold exposure. You can learn more about what those look like by following @therogue.therapist on Instagram
There are plenty of resources available online for new parents, and if you’ve come to this space, you might want to consider the offerings outside of therapy sessions.
Check out the “New Dads Guide to the Postpartum Woman” and other downloadable offerings.